
Invited talks

  • [11/2023] Exploring Safety in Large Language Models YouTube 40:30 mins | News

    • 80th Annual Convention of Jiaotong University Alumni Association in SoCal (交通大学南加州校友会80周年庆), Los Angeles, CA, US
  • [11/04/2023] AI and Large Language Models

    • UCR Family Day/Homecoming seminar, Riverside CA, US
  • [08/2023] Fast Text Generation with Text-Editing Models

    • KDD Tutorial, Long Beach, CA, US
  • [08/2023] Safeguarding the Potential in Large Language Models

    • KDD SoCal Day, Long Beach, CA, US
  • [08/2023] Large Language Models & AI Unleashed

    • UCR REU, Riverside, CA, US
  • [07/2023] Introduction to Large Language Models

    • Redlands & UCR Higher School AI Academy, Riverside, CA, US
  • [05/18/2023] What Future Do We Want with Artificial Intelligence?

  • [2021] Robust and Trustworthy NLP Through The Lens of Text Summarization

    • University of California, Riverside, March 2021, Riverside, CA, US

    • National University of Singapore, March 2021, Singapore

    • Google AI, March 2021, US

    • University of Waterloo, February 2021, Waterloo, Canada

    • University of Utah, February 2021, Salt Lake City, UT, US

    • Simon Fraser University, February 2021, Burnaby, Canada

    • HEC Montreal & Mila, February 2021, Montreal, Canada

    • Queen’s University, January 2021, Kingston, Canada


Media Interviews

Yue Dong
Yue Dong
Assistant Professor

Yue Dong is an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the University of California Riverside. Her research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. She leads the Natural Language Processing group, which develops natural language understanding and generation systems that are controllable, trustworthy, and efficient.